
Welcome to my blog! I’ve been looking for a creative outlet to share more about the things I’m interested in and my local community here in Richmond, VA and a blog felt like a great way to do that.

Los Poblanos Inn, Albuquerque, NM

The photo above is from one of my first big trips during the pandemic. We went to Albuquerque for a friends wedding and made our way to Los Poblanos which is an amazing inn and farm about 20 minutes from the downtown area where we were staying.

After taking a brief hiatus from Instagram in the beginning of this year, I started exclusively engaging with my favorite internet follows via their blogs and forgot how fun they are to read. I made a little routine of catching up on my favorite blogs over morning coffee and it was so relaxing and inspiring. I think I like consuming content via blogs because I feel like I’m truly in the drivers seat of online content consumption. There’s no doom scrolling here. There’s not a 24/7 flow of new information and products to shop.

I want to use this space to share about my lifestyle interests like using fashion as wellness, my interest in functional medicine, healthy eating and blood sugar balance, and other lifestyle content that’s focused on making the most of the everyday.

I’m not totally sure what I’m doing here haha. What I do know is that I saw gap in the content I was consuming for relatable and useful life information. I don’t need someone to sell me fast fashion or talk about trendy diets. I want to know how women in the corporate space are making the most of their careers, how to train my dog, and even how to shop my closet so I can make more sustainable choices. I also just find writing out my thoughts about different topics very cathartic! Not surprising I think most people do.

I think that’s pretty much it for my first post. I’m not sure if anyone will ever read this and that’s ok. I think either way it’ll be great to look back at this point in my life in a cataloged way.


10 Things | 01